Category Archives: Spiritual

I try to live my life in prayer. Here I will share with you a few of my favorites.


I got this story from my friend (Thank you Arianne!). 🙂 I found it really inspiring and I hope you too will be inspired by this story 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

Ten Rules for Happier Living

How To Be Happy

ONE. Give something away (no strings attached).

TWO. Do a kindness (and forget it).

THREE. Spend time with the aged (experience is priceless). Read the rest of this entry

Our God is Able

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Sometimes we FAIL and we become so depressed that we begin to lose faith in ourselves…

Often times, we own up our problems and failures in life that we  tend to forget that God is always with us.

We forget that He has done IMPOSSIBLE things and that He is GREATER than all our problems.

I do not know about you, but honestly, there are times when I am guilty of this.

Now I would like to share with you an inspirational song, which reminds me that even if I do not believe I can do things I have a GOD WHO IS ABLE.  Read the rest of this entry

2012 Resolution: Get rid of ‘What ifs’

What ifsAs a programmer, I encounter a lot of nested ifs in codes and thinking about how it works in applications, it can pretty much be applied to real life. Putting if statements in codes help determine how the application will run, to which method it will go to next and sometimes cause the application to exit or stop.

I realized in life, it kind of works the same. The ‘what ifs’ running through a person’s mind determines or influences his or her decisions in life. In fact, sometimes having too many ‘what ifs’ can make a person miss opportunities and keep that person stuck in life. Never moving forward. Well, I don’t want to be that person anymore that’s why one of my resolutions this year is to get rid of ‘what ifs’.

Let me share with you an excerpt from Our Daily Bread vol. 18, which I find really inspirational in helping me fulfill my resolution. 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

“Life is not fair; get used to it.” -Bill Gates

Do you ever come to the great realization that LIFE IS UNFAIR?

All your life you’ve tried so hard to be good, doing things out of genuine kindness, trusting that eventually GOOD KARMA will come because you have come to believe the wise saying, ‘NO GOOD DEED GOES UNREWARDED’.

But in the end, all you get from life is not a box of chocolates but a closet full of CRITICISM, MISFORTUNE & CRUELTY  and all that is left for you to give is a bucket of tears. Read the rest of this entry

In life, we have the option to be good or bad…

At times when life offers me cruelty, it becomes a challenge for me to stay good when others are not, especially since I’ve always claimed that my attitude depends on how people treat me.
Well, I am just thankful that I’ve come to know KERYGMA. Read the rest of this entry

Prayer for Thanksgiving

I have always believed that we should pray to the good Lord and all the saints not only when we ask of something but more than anything, when our prayers have been granted.

Allow me to share with you a Prayer of thanksgiving dedicated to Saint Jude Thaddeus.

Prayer for Impossible Things

Pray with FAITH.


I want to build my Mansion.. in Heaven

In life, most often than not we focus on three P’s which can give us pleasure.

Things, I believe we cannot bring to Heaven in the end of time.

Below you will find an article, I want to share with you. An article which should remind us that on judgement day when we seek a place in Heaven, the kind of life we lived will not be judged based on our seat of power, position and possessions but according to how we lived for God’s purpose. Read the rest of this entry